The Monarch Veil
495 Monroe Rd
Sarver, PA 16055
Catering & Bartending
Choose from our catering & bartending vendors!
Contact these businesses directly.
Choose from our caterers listed below, using one of these caterers is required for weddings.
The Chef and I Catering
Garda's Catering
3H Catering
Tastefully Blessed Catering
Mission BBQ
Collective Brands Catering
Bistro To Go
For insurance and liability purposes, you are required to choose your bartending services from one of the 3 companies we have approved. Of course all of them are only RAMP certified, experienced bartenders that we have already had at our venue! You supply the alcohol and they can help with the rest! This is a required service for weddings and parties that need a bartender.
© 2024 The Monarch Veil Pittsburgh